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Conservative Management of Urinary Incontinence - Test Your Knowledge!

Dec 2, 2020


Test your knowledge


  1. Which of the following is not a type of urinary incontinence?
    1. Mixed
    2. Stress
    3. Adaptive
    4. Urge
  2. What is not appropriate conservative management of incontinence?
    1. Physiotherapy
    2. Pessaries
    3. Decreased exercise
    4. Weight loss
  3. What are the initial tests every patient with incontinence should get?
    1. CBCd,...

Adnexal Masses - Test your Knowledge!

Sep 11, 2020

  1. Which of the following is not a component of your physical exam for a patient with an adnexal mass:
    a. Lymph node survey for lymphadenopathy
    b. Respiratory exam for pleural effusions
    c. Abdominal examination for ascites or hepatosplenomegally
    d. Nervous system exam for para-neoplastic symptoms 
  2. A post-menopausal patient...

PCOS - Test Your Knowledge!

Aug 20, 2020

1. Which of the following is NOT part of the Rotterdam diagnostic criteria for PCOS?

  1. Ruling out other causes of hyperandrogenism
  2. Reduced ovulation (8 or fewer periods per year)
  3. Polycystic ovaries on ultrasounds
  4. BMI > 25
  5. Hyperandrogenism (based on clinical findings and/or laboratory tests)

2: All of the following could...

Ectopic Pregnancy - Test Your Knowledge!

Feb 11, 2020

After listening to Episode 2. Ectopic Pregnancy, we hope that you have a better understanding of the key clinical features of an ectopic pregnancy and how to manage it

To help you assess what you learned from the podcast, try these questions to test your knowledge!

Test your knowledge:

  1. What is the most common location...